Our Students

Q: Do students need to be potty trained?
A: No. Teachers and assistants will work with you and your child at their developmental level. We use diaper changing time to bond with your child and increase their feeling of comfort and security at school.

Q: What if my child has separation problems?
A: Our school offers suggestions on how to prepare your child for school. During “parent training” we will lay the foundation for the transition from home to school. All children are different, and we respect the child’s need for security.

Q: What ages do you accept? Is this cut-off firm?
A: Children must be three-years-old by September 1 of the enrolled year to register for our Junior class, and four-years-old by September 1 of the enrolled year to register for our Senior class. Age exceptions will be considered based on enrollment.

Q: Do children need to be fully vaccinated?

A: Yes.

Our Program

Q: What is the schedule?
A: The Junior program (three year olds) runs from 9:00am – 12:00pm M/W/F, T/TH/F or M-F. The Senior program (four year olds) runs from 9:00am – 1:00pm M-TH, 10:45am - 2:45pm, (if needed). Senior after care is offered until 2:00pm M-TH, (9am class only). Lunch Bunch, an optional program for Juniors is available on Fridays from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. See Our Classes page for full details.

Q: Do you have on-site babysitting for siblings?
A: No. Siblings must be cared for offsite.

Q: How will my child meet the state standards for kindergarten in a play-based developmental program?
A: State standards for Kindergarten are met at the end of the Kindergarten year. Will my child be ready for Kindergarten coming from a play-based developmental program is the better question. We spend so much time worrying about getting our children ready for Kindergarten, (academics), that we forget about the importance of their social-emotional development and the importance of play. Most Kindergarten teachers, if asked, would tell you that they are less concerned about your child’s academic skills, ie; letters, numbers, writing their name, and more about your child’s self care and motor skills, self regulation and social expression. It is a child’s social-emotional maturity that drives and enhances their academic success. SPNS has set up an engaging preschool program rooted in a hands on, play based, style that supports the social emotional development of the young child.

Q: What does the typical day look like?
A: The children enter and are greeted at circle time by their teachers. We start the day with conversations, morning songs, and a variety of circle time activities. After morning circle, juniors are outside first while seniors are indoors to play in the (dramatic play room, art room, discovery room, block room and creation station. After an hour of play, children wash their hands and have snack. After snack, the juniors come inside for middle circle (which typically consists of a story) followed by indoor play, and the seniors move outside.

Q: How big are the classes and what is the student-teacher ratio?
A: Our junior classes are at 17 students per day and our senior class is at 18 students per day. Our adult-to-child ratio is 1 to 4. The permanent staff includes one full-time director, two full-time certified Early Childhood Education (ECE) lead teachers and three credentialed ECE teacher assistants. Participating parents also help keep the adult-to-child ratio low.


Q: What is the registration process?
A: A visit to our open house or a tour, with your child, is the first (and a required) step of our registration process. This allows you to develop a clear understanding of our program and a chance to observe your child in the environment. Our open house and tours run from December through January. Online registration begins in late January for all new families who have attended a school tour. Alumni and current families may register online starting December 1st. See the Registration page for more information.

Q: What are my chances of getting in?
A: Enrollment is processed on a first-come, first-served basis via the date/time that your online registration form is submitted. New families and alumni must tour the school before submitting the online registration. Additionally, alumni have registration priority.

Q: What is the cost of attending St Paul’s?
A: See the Fees page for information.

> More About Registration

Parent Participation

Q: How often do I work at the school? 
A: In general, participating parents work at the school every other week. This is called half-participation. On a case by case basis, we offer a full participation option where the participating parent works every week. Regardless of which path you choose, you would have the same workday every week so you’ll really get to know your parent work group. Many long-lasting friendships have been formed this way!

Q: What is the additional school commitment required of me as a co-op parent? 
A: The Participating Parent works at the school, performs a school job, and participates in the one Sparkling Saturday, (a deep cleaning of the school), in August. If you take on a Board or Key Job position, you may be exempt from some maintenance commitments in recognition of the additional time you are putting towards your school job. Families with more than one child enrolled have a higher hours commitment. Buy-outs may be available on a space-available basis for some commitments and require director approval.

Q: Can someone else work for me? 
A: Only parents/legal guardians/and grandparents can fulfill the parent-participation workday responsibility for our co-op. Some families alternate between two parents. On occasions when you are sick or your child is sick, or you have an emergency, you can trade work days with another family, or hire someone from our “Paid Sub” list or our “Parent Sub List”. Everyone who works at the school must attend a parent training, submit a completed Health Screening Report from their physician with proof of a negative TB test, proof of vaccination for measles, pertussis,and current flu vaccination.